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Monday, July 20, 2009

Somebody stole my tooth!!!

Today during quiet time Makayla came running out of her room saying, "Mommy, somebody stole my tooth!!!" I was a little confused by what she meant so I asked her. She went up to her mirror, looked in it and pointed to her mouth. "Somebody stole my tooth mommy." I realized that she was talking about the space between her top teeth. She thought there used to be a tooth there and it was gone so someone "stole" it. How cute is my little Makayla. I called Ben and told him what Makayla said and he thought it was halarious. I have to say that the funniest things come out of our almost 4-year old's mouth. She keeps us laughing!


BrOoKe said...

Thats so funny Lori. Im sure the little gap didin't happen over night so how funny is it that she just happened to notice it today! What a cute picture too. Her hair is always done soooo cute!!

LeAnn said...

What timing! My little Colin also has a gap and just a few weeks ago he noticed it. He was really surprised that he had lost a tooth. lol