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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Van Mom...

Well, we finally did it. We bought ourselves a van. Ben and I knew that when we got Kyle we'd need a new car so we have been looking for some time now. In the beginning I was so excited because we'd be able to get a SUV and I could join the "cool group." The more we talked about it and to other people about SUV vs. Van we realized that for us a van would be much more practical, and you know us... Ben and Lori the practical king and queen!!! So we came across this van that was just too good of a deal to pass up and we bought it. We love it!!!! There is so much room it is amazing. My favorite thing about it are the automatic doors. All I do is push a button and waalaa... the doors open like magic. Makayla also loves her new car. She was excited to get rid of the "noisy car" (Saturn), give daddy "her car" (Dodge), and now she has the new car. Isn't life great!!! We are so excited to be taking our trip to Vegas in the new car. Even Ben is excited to go now and that really says something!


BrOoKe said...

Hahaha I loove this! Way cute VAN Lori! Isnt amazing the amount of room! You stop and ask yourself how did we not have this before! Its so cute though, it really looks more like an SUV than a van! I bet MaKayla loves it!!

macandmegan said...

Yay, I love your van! congaratulations! Looks like you guys had a fun fourth of July, I love Makayla's dress. And the video below is adorable