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Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Bahamas!!!

Last month Ben and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas for our 12 year anniversary.  Grandma stayed with the kids in Fallon.  It was so nice not having to worry about them and know that they were in good hands.  Ben and I flew to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Sunday.  Monday morning we woke up and drove to Miami where our ship was leaving.  It was amazing getting onto the ship.  This was our first cruise.  We knew the ships were big but when you actually see how big they really are it is indescribable.  When it was time to leave the port of Miami Ben and I decided to get a Pina Colada and watch as we left.  It was beautiful.  
One of our favorite things to do was go to the top of the ship and just watch everything.  It was really weird not having to worry about kids and what they were doing and making sure they were safe.  We were able to be selfish and do whatever we wanted to.  
The next morning we arrived in Key West, Florida.  We were able to get a picture of our ship but the whole ship wouldn't even fit in the picture.  
In Key West we went on a Kayak tour.  It was so cool.  The tour guides would stop and different points and then pull animals out of the water.  This is a horseshoe crab.  It looks really creepy but they said it can't hurt you.  By the end of the tour my arms were killing me but it was well worth it!
All of you who have been on cruises before know that there is a formal dinner night.  It was fun for us to get dressed up and eat dinner.  The food was amazing.  Everyone says you go on a cruise for the food and I completely agree!
The next port was Nassau, Bahamas.  I have to admit that we didn't like the town at all.  They people were way too pushy and wouldn't leave us alone.  We were supposed to go parasailing but it got canceled because of the wind.  We ended up going to the famous hotel The Atlantis and just looked around.  The highlight of the day was when we got to see Nicholas Cage riding in his boat back to his house.
This is the yacht that Ben will own one day... in another lifetime!
On our way back from the Atlantis hotel (we had to take a boat ferry) we got this cool picture of all the ships docked at the island.  Ours is the second from the left.  
Next it was off to Cococay, Bahamas.  It is a private island owned by Royal Caribbean.  This was our absolute favorite place that we went to.  Ben went snorkeling ( I was too scared.  Have I mentioned my two greatest fears are drowning and suffocating and when I tried it I felt like both were happening!)  But Ben loved it.  He said it was so beautiful under the water seeing all the coral and tropical fish.  I will just have to take his word for it.  
My favorite part was laying on the beach chair under a palm tree and just relaxing.  I can't remember the last time I was that relaxed!
Since we didn't get to go parasailing in Nassau we decided to go on Cococay.  It was so cool!  We were so high up there and it was absolutely quiet.  It was so fun being up there together.   
Ben and I had a wonderful and amazing trip.  We have already started planning our next trip just the two of us but don't worry, it probably will take us at least another five years to do this again.  As much fun as we had on our trip both of us were so ready to come back to the kids.  We missed them so much.  Here are the cute shirts we got the kids.  They were so happy to see us when we got home.  It was a great feeling.
My mom, Makayla, and Kyle made us this welcome home sign for when we got home.  It was the perfect end to a perfect trip.  Next stop...HAWAII!!!


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