We can't wait for the twins!!!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I think I have mentioned a few times that Kyle loves trains.  He likes to line things up and then say, "Choo Choo!"  It is pretty cute.  This is a choo made out of blocks.  The other day he also made a choo choo out of stickers.  Wow!  It's really hard thinking of a theme for his birthday this year...
Before Ben and I left on our cruise we decided to give Josie a bath.  Kyle absolutely LOVES giving Josie her bath but Josie doesn't feel the same way.  After Jos was done Kyle really wanted to hold her.  It was pretty cute.  Kyle thought he was being such a big boy.  I know Jos looks like an alien but let's face it, she already is a unique looking dog and then give her a bath and what do you get... an alien!
I love to sew!!!  This was a project that I worked on and it was so much fun!  Last year for a Shawcroft family reunion we got these pink shirts for our family.  They were really cute for Makayla and me but not so much for Ben and Kyle (no offense Rachel!!!!)  So I decided to make Ben's shirt into a nightgown for Makayla.  It turned out so cute and Makayla loves it!!!  Kyle's shirt is going to turn into a nightgown for Makayla's doll.
I love that Kyle and Makayla get along so well.  Now don't get me wrong they have their fights like the one I just broke up five minutes ago but for the most part they are great together.  They love each other so much.  Kyle copies absolutely everything that Makayla does.  It is such a sweet relationship.  This was the night that Makayla had a carnival at her school.  She got to have her face painted and she was ecstatic.  She had never had her face painted before and she loved it.  Unfortunately she only had it on for an hour or so and then it was time to wash it off and go to bed.  She was devastated.  Finally I came up with a compromise.  We washed it off that night and then on Friday I painted a rainbow and a flower on her cheeks.  She loved it!  Another tantrum postponed for a different day.


Becca said...

Lori, that is the cutest nightgown! Did you use a pattern or just make it up? I hope that your cruise is wonderful! You and Ben deserve it! :)

Rachel said...

Lori I'm so glad that you were able to find another use for the "pink" shirts! Hurray! I can't believe how cute that dress is and your sewing skills are awesome!!