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Monday, December 1, 2008

Such Wonderful Blessings

For the past few days I have been really depressed about the whole adoption things. We just had another one fall through. Today has been especially hard. Then I started thinking about all the blessings that I have. I have a wonderful husband who loves his job and even more than that he loves to come home after work to his family. Every night you will find Makayla and Ben playing together. Each night I think that this is the night he will brush Makayla off but he never does. He is amazing and he loves us so much and tell us all the time. I have the most wonderful little girl in the whole world. She is beautiful and sweet and intelligent and the reason that I get up every day. I have a new appreciation for Makayla's birthmother. She is an amazing young women who did something so Christlike by giving us our Makyla. I am so thankful for Josie our dog. She is a great little addition to our family. She is finally starting to be friends with Makayla. Several times a day I will find Josie snuggled up to Makayla. That is a first. I am so thankful for my beautiful home. I love being able to have my own house that we can do whatever we want too. Over the Thanksgiving break Ben, his dad, and his brothers put shelves in our garage. Yeah!!! I am so thankful for a wonderful family. I have the best mother, father sister, brothers, and inlaws. We may not live very close to them but we are so blessed to be able to see them as often as we do. I am thankful that now that I have a three-year old I get sleep at night. Every morning I wake up and realize that I didn't wake up I am so happy. I love being able to sleep in when I want to. I know that someday we will be able to make our family bigger through adoption and I am thankful for that. Even though this is the hardest experience we have ever been through I know that just around the corner is the happiest experience in our lives. I am so thankful for the gospel and the knowlege that I have, that this is the true church. I am especially thankful for temples and that we were able to have Makayla sealed to us. That was the most amazing experience and I can't wait to do it again with our next one. So now life is still hard and there are ups and downs in everything but I know that I am so blessed and I thank my Heavenly Father for pouring his blessings on me.


macandmegan said...

Love you Lori :) You are stronger than anyone I know

Harward Family said...

I am sorry to hear that another adoption fell through...I loved reading how great of a dad Ben is and you are such a wonderful mom! I can't wait to see you guys at Christmas:)

David and Harriet said...

Lori, we just found your blog. Your note was great. Thanks again for the food, fun, and entertainment for our Thanksgiving holiday (still thinking of the pumpkin pie). With much love, Dad Shawcroft

Becca said...

Lori, I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. I am so sorry that it has to be so difficult. Sometimes it just seems like life is too hard. Sometimes I feel like I am blessed with the ability to just get out of bed each morning! I am praying for you and Ben. You are such wonderful parents and Makayla is so blessed to have you! It will be so nice to spend more time with you at Christmas! Love you!