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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Makayla Turns 4...

Okay, Makayla officially turned four. I never realized how hard it is to have two parties for one child, and she's not even old enough to understand and appreciate it!!! Oh well, it was still worth it. She loved everything she got. It was very different this year from past birthdays. She showed a lot more emotion and excitement when she opened her presents this year.Here is the birthday cake she wanted this year ... Blue's Clues.Here is Makayla making her wish after Happy Birthday was sung. She again wished for Santa Clause to bring her a bike.All the presents!!! What a lucky little girl!This is the book that I made Makayla this year. It is all about when she became a big sister. She loves it!!! She loves Kyle so much and is so glad he is her little brother.Thank you grandma and grandpa Harward for the Three Musketeer Barbie and her prince! Makayla loves them so much. She also got the movie from daddy.
Makayla also got doll clothes that I made for her, Barbie clothes, movies, school clothes, and new ballet clothes. Her big present of the night was her new Barbie bike. Makayla was sooooooo excited! She immediately went outside and rode her bike for about an hour. The whole time she kept thanking mommy and daddy for her "new bicycle." What a polite little girl! It was a wonderful birthday for a very sweet, precious little girl. We love Makayla so much and are so proud of her. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for this amazing little princess!


The NV Mingays said...

Adorable cake! Looks like a fun time was had by all...meant to say in your last post that Caleigh loved Makayla's party! Can't believe she's 4 already - time sure does fly on by.

Erica said...

Cambrie says her favorite picture is the one with Makayla and all of her presents:) And then she added that she hopes she gets a princess bike for her birthday. Thanks a lot!

Rae said...

So fun to be able to share in her birthday-- thanks! I wish we'd been there in person, but seeing pictures is almost as good. Give her a big hug from grandma and grandpa!